
a pocket money industry

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Hello and Welcome :)

This is how it works:

  • Sign up to our newsletter
  • We will use this to let you know when there are fresh eggs for sale
  • Tell us you want some, and we will bring them to you

Gledden St Bird


The price is $0.75 per egg, and goes to a very worthy cause. We are saving up for an Iron Man suit and a pony.


There are two delivery options:

  • For the small fee of $1/delivery, we can bring the eggs around to your house after school. Gledden St and Welsh Place only. Cash on delivery, please have correct change.
  • You can collect the eggs from the front porch at no. 20, and leave the payment in our honesty-box.


Please use this form to give us comments, feedback or suggestions (or ask us how our chooks are going). We encourage you to use this form so we can make Pocket Money Industries better.